Very different from the life of the avg. Christian
Let’s consider the written word of God
It’s no longer I.....but Christ!!
Gal 2:20
How can a simple thinking boy from Ballard county Ky. think like this? I’ve always been taught to take charge of my live!! But this is a higher way of life not only in thinking but also living.
As people we have two problems
Sins & Sin
Romans chapters 1- 8 There are two lines of thought, first line is (Sins plural) second (Sin singular) Why is this?
First - --- (Sins Plural) all the sins I have committed against God which are many!!
Second - (Sin singular) The nature of sin that is working in me. No matter how many sins I commit it’s the one (sin / or sin nature) that leads me to do them. I need forgiveness for my (SINS) but more importantly, I need deliverance from the Power of sin, the (SIN NATURE).
Sins and the forgiveness of them deal with the Conscience but the power of sin (SIN NATURE) deals with my life style. Do I have a nature that causes me to continually and habitually commit sins? The Bible says that our ultimate goal in life is to Please God. Heb 11:6 / 1st Thess 4:1
We have only one nature contrary to what most church people believe.
Hey, the light is shining!! I’m learning something here. When this light shines in my heart, the heart cries for forgiveness, then I realize, not only am I committing sins but there must be something wrong within me that causes me to do it, I find out it’s the Sin nature I have. God’s Solution! Now Jesus has Come, Died, Buried, Rose, Ascended, and he’s Coming back.
Rom 6:6 knowing this, that our (old man / sin nature) was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, that so we should no longer be in bondage to sin; Is it possible??
Rom 6:13 Who or what ever has control of us will be the one in whom we serve. Sin or Righteousness. We have only one nature contrary to what most church people believe, the sin nature died with Christ on Calvary.
But look what Christ provides for us = 2nd Pet 1:4 Great and Precious Promises.
2nd Pet 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Remember the (old nature / sin nature) has been crucified; it died with Christ Rom 6:6 when something dies it must be buried. If you are a born again filled and walking with God’s Spirit then you have a new divine nature. You received it because God promised it. 2nd Pet 1:4
What will cause me to be able to think like this? Paul says to reckon yourselves to this.
God makes it very clear in his word that he has only one answer to ever human need and that’s Jesus the Son of God. In all his dealing with us he works by taking us out of the way and substituting Christ in our place.
Two substitutions
#1- Jesus (died) instead of us for our forgiveness. A substitute on the cross to secure our forgiveness.
#2- Jesus (lives) instead of us for our deliverance. A substitute with in us to secure our Victory.
All our questions are answered in this truth that it’s no longer I.....but Christ!!
Hebrews 4:10 This is entering into his rest when we cease from our work, STOP wrestling!! Let Christ live predominately in you he will solve all your problems by the exchange = Your work for His Rest, Hey! What a trade!! Christ always gives us the best deal, OH what a Savior!!
Conclusion; If Christ lives in me then it’s no longer I that rule its Christ. If he rules where do I fit in all of this? Hey, I’m resting, he’s working and I’m happy! David Gunn dgunn@brtc.net